Being single does not mean one is lonely. Being single may be due to the hectic schedule one faces everyday. These singles may be too busy with their work that they hardly have any time to socialize. However, not all singles are socially disadvantaged. By maintaining a single status, one has a little more freedom compared to those who are married. For example, singles have less restrictions in making friends.
Responding to the 5-day work week, singles now can spend more time socializing. Through dancing lessons, pubbing or perhaps through 'Find your soul', a matchmaking programme held by MCDS, singles can be more socially enriched.
Most singles will not have any financial problems. Due to the savings they accumulated over the years in the working society, it is enough to support themselves for a few years. Probably, this may only affect those singles who have just stepped into the working society.
Married couples does not necessarily mean they are more lonely than singles. They can also find time for themselves despite their hectic schedule. They can still engage in activities enjoyed by youngsters and singles even after they are married. For those who have children, they can put their children in the care of their parents' hands during certain weekends when they want to have their personal time together. However, though married couples can also be active by engaging themselves in enriching and exciting programmes they could have enjoyed before they were married, their social lives will somehow be restricted. This is because, for a person who is married and especially for one who has children, he or she will need to commit more time with his or her family members.
Whether married couples have more savings than singles will depend on how much assets they got and whether they have any children. For example, if a couple stays in a condomedium, we can be sure that they may be earning high salaries. But having to pay for all the installments, their savings will be greatly reduced. Moreover, if they have a child, their savings will definitely be lesser than before as expenses like education, food and clothing, spent on the child will be very big. This is different for singles. Most singles tend to live with their parents. Expenses that elderly spent will be much less than a child. And if we assume that the salary the single receives similarises the amount receive by the married couples, tha savings the single has will be much more.
Frankly speaking, the legal contract does not ensure that people stay married. As long as people think their marriage is beyond saving, this legal contract can be broken by signing a legal seperation contract. Though one straits time article(ST, 26 June) states that women were more reluctant to file for divorce, and couples here seems more likely to hang on to a troubled marriage tha Westerners, another article (ST, 5 July) contradicts it by having a comment which says that these days, people suscribe to the Western notion that if one is not happy, one should not hesitate to get a divorce.
Before the late 20th century, women had few economic opportunities. Men in the marriage would control most of the economic resources and custody were often granted to them. Many women found themslves tied to a marriage that gave them few rights and options within the marriage, and many obstacles to ending the marriage. Today, women have the right to ask fo divorce.Thanks to the liberised divorce law! Other than the change in law, women now are better off economically. They are able to support themselves. And because they are more likely to be beter off economically, they do not automatically lose custody of their children. Thus women are more ready to walk out of a failed marriage.
Today, more and more people view marriage as a non-binding relationship based on love. They feel that as long as they are in love with each other, it doesn't matter whether they are married. Human beings can be fickle minded when it comes to love. A person can be unfaithful to his or her partner even after a marriage. Thus there is no point staying in the marriage when one does not love another anymore. It will be very miserable for both paries to hang on just because of a legal contract.
To me, love does not last forever. People fall in and out of love everyday. Love is a mutual interdependence thing. Love between each other depends on how much one is willing to commit and sacrifice in this relationship. Perhaps, love can be everlasting but everlasting love is hard to achieve.